"Alam (nature) adalah sumber Ilmu (knowledge) yang menjadikan seseorang itu alim (knowledgwable), manusia itu ulama atau ilmuwan. Nature bukan semula jadi tetapi dijadikan oleh Sang Pencipta."
Dari project brief, kami diberitahu tujuan/niat (aim) yang terkandung dalam projek ini ialah supaya pelajar diberi maklum (be informed), dan kemudiannya mendapat ilmu (knowledgeable) dengan mengkaji salah satu anugerah alam iaitu bambu/buluh, dalam konteks semulajadinya.
Kemudian kami dibawa ke Kawasan Rekreasi USM untuk mencari rumpun buluh (bamboo cluster) dan diminta mengkaji "the nature of bamboo" yang boleh dikaitkan dengan kehidupan harian kita. Kami juga diminta untuk melakukan "rapid sketching" iaitu membuat 15 lakaran dalam masa 15 minit. Aduuuii... Rasa bukan main susah, sebab dah lama tak "kawan" dengan lukis melukis ni...
Setelah siap, dalam kumpulan seramai 6 orang, kami diminta untuk mencari serumpun buluh dan mengkaji "the bamboo structure". Tugasan kami kali ini pula ialah melakar (sketch) 6 lakaran yang menunjukkan "life joint of a bamboo" mengikut format yang diberikan.
The format (rule)
The actors (Photo courtesy of Flog 101, thank you)
So, I have done some readings on bamboo and its life principles. The bamboo has all tHe principles befitting the 7 APEX Points : FUTURE, UNIQUE, SUSTAINABLE, HUMANE, UNIVERSAL, CHANGR/CHANGEABILITY and COMMITMENT/SACRIFICE (BIG - Bamboo Interest Group, USM).
Sketch 1 : The bamboo shoot symbolizes the promise for the FUTURE.
Sketch 2 : The bamboo culm. The bamboo is UNIQUE; it is a fascinating material due to its incredible strength, regenerative propeerties, and natural aesthetic beauty. The bamboo has thousands of uses (FRIM).
Sketch 3 : The open shoot. The bamboo is CHANGEABLE, from its raw, natural state into something else totally different, if not priceless. If planted on a mass basis it could "completely reverse (CHANGE) the effects of global warming in just six years, and provide a renewable source of food, building material and erosion prevention". (FRIM)
Sketch 4 : The bamboo leaves. The bamboo leaves provide the shady green canopy of the bamboo cluster. Bamboo has been UNIVERSALLY used as the standard building material for the majority of thr world for thousands of years... bamboo survived the atomic bomd at Hiroshima and provided the first re-greening after the blast in 1945.
Sketch 5 : The bamboo roots. The bamboo might just be the world's most SUSTAINABLE resource. It does not require replanting after harvesting (FRIM). It can be easily propagated using rhizomes or from portions of the clump and very invasive in gardens.
Sketch 6 (coloured) : The bamboo cluster. People can live on bamboo by feeding on it, and they manufacture goods from bamboo based on certain PRINCIPLE as a tool, on this arth, the PLACE where they share a sustainable living. A clump of bamboo and also symbolizes unity, harmony, strength and prosperity.
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