Sunday, August 8, 2010


Friday, 6 August 2010.

Thank God, it's Friday... I love Fridays, especially today. Happy birthday, myself, dah bertambah usia.

Many things happen on Fridays, good things, not-so-good things and evil things. Bagi Muslim, the prophecy is that even the kiamat falls on a Friday. Tapi memang seperti telah tersurat that most disaster yang berlaku happened on Friday. Wallahu a'lam...

Dan pada Friday ini saya dapat satu assignment yang memang ada kaitan dengan disaster iaitu persediaan kita menghadapi disaster tersebut, whatever it may be, iaitu "My Black Box"... The survival kit yang mengandungi semua bahan keperluan untuk menghadapi bencana and must sustain the need for at least a few months.

Frankly, saya kurang arif tentang black box ni... Yang saya tahu black box ada dalam every flight to record apa yang berlaku atas flight, voice recorder and flight plan. Seperti biasanya saya browse through the Internet dan here are a few maklumat yang saya temukan:

What is a Black Box?

"In science and engineering, a black box is a device, system or object which can be viewed solely in terms of its input, output and transfer characteristics without any knowledge of its internal workings, that is, its implementation is "opaque" (black). Almost anything might be referred to as a black box: a transistor, an algorithm, or the human mind." - Wikipedia

"Dr David Warren of the Aeronautical Research Laboratories in Melbourne, Australia invented the "Black Box" flight data recorder. He was the first person to conceive of the idea of recording the flight crew's conversation on an airplane and of protecting that recording in the event of a crash or fire. The purpose of the Black Box was to help identify the reasons for a plane crash, by recording any clues in the flight crew's conversation. The Black Box was invented in 1953 and in production by 1957. The first ones were painted bright red or orange to make them easier to find after a crash. In 1960, Australia became the first country to make flight recorders mandatory in aircraft."

The assignment : My Black Box

  • Untuk assignment kali ini, kami diminta untuk menyediakan sebuah Black Book.

...and this is mine, custom-made. I like it.

  • Kemudian kami dikehendaki melukis seberapa banyak black box on the pages of the Black Book...Bulleted List

  • Then, we have got to choose a box...

I chose this one. It looks the most appealing to me...

A close-up of my chosen BB

  • After that, I get this sketch photocopied on an A4 size paper. To make it more propotionate untuk diletakkan atas A3 paper, I blew up the image slightly larger...
The original image blown up ...

  • The image on the A4 paper was photocopied again, this time on an A3 size paper
... and I get this image.

The image on the A3 paper

  • Wash the page using water colour. Saya hanya mewarnakan BB dan membiarkan the rest of the page putih. Walaupun the flight black box dicat dengan warna merah atau oren, saya memilih untuk mewarnakan BB saya dengan warna hitam, anyway it is My Black Box... And this is the colour I choose. Black is beautiful, isn't it?

  • Inilah BB saya. How to open it? Oleh kerana tiada dalam arahan yang diberikan, saya pun tidaklah menerangkannya di sini. Walau bagaimanapun, I woud prefer to have an intelligent lock system activated from my cell phone, perhaps...

The end....

Saya yang menurut perintah,

Rahmat ^_^

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