Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Me, My Thoughts & I


I am confused, so very confused...

I heard they said all our projects must be uploaded inside this blog, otherwise we lose marks. Oooo... ye ke? Iasked half-wittedly...

I thought I too heard Mr Wan B said the same thing during one of his lectures, but my shallow mind didn't easily register. Maybe I am not very keen on this computer things, and not used to it, except those pertaining to my work. To finish an assignment, I've got to "kacau" whoever I could get in touch with...

Then, I tried to browse through some of the students' work (sorry guys, don't mean to pry). I later realised that yeah, I do have to do this. Allahu Akbar!

And the best thing I could do is to find time (???) to rectify this ...

After the first assignment to design and build our own blog, we were given a scenario of a massive disaster in 2012 where we need to survive on prepacked supplies on PONDOK (Polarshift and Other Natural Disaster Organisation Kit). Each one of us was given a task to identify a USM invention for 2012 and beyond, based on a given USM invention and we have to suggest how this invention may contribute to the reconstruction of USM/Penang after the disaster.

Mine was to make an invention based on the Evaluation on Safety Profile of Herbal Products on Male Reproductive System : Laboratory Evaluation on Male Rats, 2005. Well, how was I to know about this? I thought this topic was more suitable for married men, I wasn't even close.

I browsed through the pages of the assigned invention, and almost got migraine attack reading it. I hardly understood what it was all about, and the jargons made me feel like I couldn't breath - teratogenic, spermatogenesis, gavaging, and the list went on...

Anyway, after a lot of "pening lalat", I managed to come out with an invention called "FERTI-X", a super-duper special herbal formula designed to increase libido and manliness based on the laboratory evaluation I was assigned to do (my view was : the men in the pondok, due to mental and physical stress, imbalanced diet, excessive chemicals and lack of exercise had developed a plunging libido and resulted in infertility). This supplement was supposedly very effective, got to be consumed for only 40 days for a total effect! Anyone of you guys would like to try? It's FOC...

But that was not all. We were also asked to present our "new inventions" in this format :

Alamak? 3mm only? So narrow, how to write? I thought "oo... this could be the "catch", writing in free hand in such a small space. Perhaps Mr. Wan was more interested in us following the format rather than our "inventions". Despite all the trouble writing freehand (maklumlah dah lama tak menulis ikut garisan...) it was a good exercise. To me, as what Mr. Wan taught us, to act on our intentions, we must follow rules - the format was the rule...

Unfortunately, i didn't take pictures of the finished product... Sob sob sob...

Sunday, July 25, 2010


For this project, the students were asked to list down sense words which shall describe :

- what they 'see'

- what they 'heard'

- what they 'smelled'

based on a picture of "serkap ayam" and do a word formation using "wordle" at . This was the first time I was introduced to wordle and it is very interesting indeed.

The result is awesome...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tugasan 1A (RUS 101)

Hari ini pada 12 haribulan Julai iaitu kelas pertama saya, kami telah pon diberikan tugasan oleh pensyarah studio iaitu En. Wan Burhanuddin bertajuk "What I Herad". Pada hari ini juga kami telah diperkenalkan dgn beberapa orang studiomaster dalam bidang-bidang yang berkaitan bagi memudahkan tugasan di waktu-waktu akan datang.

Sambil menerangkan serba sedikit tentang subjek sebagai pengenalan kepada studio, pensyarah juga ada memanggil beberapa orang pelajar untuk duduk di hadapan sambil berkenalan dengan merekadan seingat saya ada beberapa budak dari negeri Pahang. Sambil mengalukan kedatangan kami ke USM, pensyarah juga menyentuh tentang APEX iaitu makna APEX dan kefahaman pelajar tentangnya.

Apa yang saya faham tentang berdasarkan keterangan pensayarah adalah tentang produk APEX dan pelajar-pelajar adalah sebagai produk yang akan menjayakan APEX. APex terbahagi kepada tiga elemen iaitu :
  1. Niat (Intention)
  2. Kelakuan/Tindakan (Act)
  3. Produk (Product)
Niat dilakukan oleh aktor. Tindakan dilakukan berpandukan undang-undang/peraturan dan produk dihasilkan mengikut kesesuaian tempat.Bagi memudahkan pemahaman, En. Wan Burhanuddin melukiskan gambarajah berdasarkan 3P iaitu People, Principle, Place.

Pada penghujung kuliah, En. Wan telah memberikan tugasan sebagaimana yang saya sedang siapkan sekarang ini, tetapi sebelum itu ada juga beberapa studiomaster yang hadir lewat memperkenalkan diri masing-masing. Nama pensyarah tersebut akan saya kumpulkan di ruangan bawah nanti.

Saya rasa setakat ini sajalah yang saya ingat dan telah pon saya tuliskan si ruangan ini. Sekian terima kasih dan saya berharap En. Wan boleh berpuas hati.


En. Wan Burhanuddin bin Wan Abidin

Dr. Mohd Hanizun Hanafi

Dr. Ilias Said