Wednesday, September 22, 2010


20 September 2010.

Hari ni kami dapat satu lagi assignment yang to me is kinda unique, melawat tanah perkuburan orang-orang Yahudi, a Jewish Cemetery. Fancy having a Jewish burial ground right in the middle of Penang. Those days they call it Jalan Yahudi, but now, probably due to the increasing Jewish sentiments, nama jalan tersebut telah ditukar kepada Jalan Zainal Abidin. But to the locals, it is still the good ole Jalan Yahudi.

It was quite late when I reached there. And being in the city, I couln't feel the spookiness of a graveyard though,walaupun di waktu remang-remang senja...

The Cemetery gate. The word "Jewish" looked so bold in the half-light.

... Posing in front of the Jewish Cemetery at dusk.

Just look at nama yang tertera di pintu pagar ini. Ia menerangkan maksudnya yang tersendiri without having people to explain what place that is. The lettering is bold, the definition is loud...

The pics below are some typical tombstones yang sempat saya rakamkan di lensa kamera saya senja-senja ni... It was reported that at this very ground exist about 114 graves with the last entombment in 1978.

A Jewish cemetery (Hebrew בית עלמין) ("beit alamin" or "beit kvarot") is a cemetery where members of the Jewish faith are buried in keeping with Jewish tradition.

Known in Hebrew as "house of eternity," the land of the cemetery is considered holy and a special consecration ceremony takes place on its inauguration. Establishing a cemetery is one of the first priorities for a new Jewish community. A Jewish cemetery is generally purchased and supported with communal funds.

Then, we students were asked to create a monument untuk memperingati diri kita setelah roh meninggalkan jasad. But what is a monument? Is it a tombstone like the Jewish ones? Or a grand elaborate ones? A glass coffin perhaps, for glams?

According to Wikipedia : "A monument is a type of structure either explicitly created to commemorate a person or important event or which has become important to a social group as a part of their remembrance of past events. They are frequently used to improve the appearance of a city or location. Cities that are planned such as Washington D.C., New Delhi and Brasília are often built around monuments. The Washington Monument's location (and vertical geometry, though not physical detail) was conceived to help organize public space in the city before it was ever connected with George Washington. Older cities have monuments placed at locations that are already important or are sometimes redesigned to focus on one. As Shelley suggested in his famous poem "Ozymandias" ("Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"), the purpose of monuments is very often to impress or awe. In English the word "monumental" is often used in reference to something of extraordinary size and power. The word comes from the Latin "monere," which means 'to remind' or 'to warn.'

Functional structures made notable by their age, size or historic significance can also be regarded as monuments. This can happen because of great age and size, as in the case of the Great Wall of China, or because an event of great import occurred there such as the village of Oradour-sur-Glane in France. Many countries use Ancient monument or similar terms for the official designation of protected structures or archeological sites which may originally have been ordinary domestic houses or other buildings.

Monuments are also often designed to convey historical or political information. They can be used to reinforce the primacy of contemporary political power, such as the column of Trajan or the numerous statues of Lenin in the Soviet Union. They can be used to educate the populace about important events or figures from the past, such as in the renaming of the old General Post Office Building in New York City to the James A. Farley Building (James Farley Post Office), after former Postmaster General James Farley.

The social meanings of monuments are rarely fixed and certain and are frequently 'contested' by different social groups. As an example whilst the former East German socialist state may have seen the Berlin Wall as a means of 'protection' from the ideological impurity of the west, dissidents and others would often argue that it was symbolic of the inherent repression and paranoia of that state. This contention of meaning is a central theme of modern 'post processual' archaeological discourse.

Monuments have been created for thousands of years, and they are often the most durable and famous symbols of ancient civilizations. The Egyptian Pyramids, the Greek Parthenon, and the Moai of Easter Island have become symbols of their civilizations. In more recent times, monumental structures such as the Statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower have become iconic emblems of modern nation-states. The term monumentality relates to the symbolic status and physical presence of a monument.

Until recently, it was customary for archaeologists to study large monuments and pay less attention to the everyday lives of the societies that created them. New ideas about what constitutes the archaeological record have revealed that certain legislative and theoretical approaches to the subject are too focused on earlier definitions of monuments. An example has been the United Kingdom's Scheduled Ancient Monument laws."

Sebagai seorang Muslim, saya tidak pula bercita-cita untuk membina atau mewasiatkan untuk dibina tugu atau monument buat memperingati diri saya, memadai dengan selazim dan selumrahnya batu nisan biasa, without frills and elaborate designs. I am a simple man, I want to lead a simple life and InsyaAllah, I want to die as a simple servant to Him.

Mungkin beginilah agaknya pusara saya bila sampai saat saya disemadikan kelak. Apa pun terpulanglah kepada waris yang masih hidup, tetapi yang pasti I want it to be as normal as possible. That I will tell them...

...dengan hanya pengenalan diri yang ringkas.

Something worth sharing. Mungkin kita dah maklum, hanya sebagai peringatan:

Larangan membina dan menulis sesuatu diatas kubur merujuk kepada sebuah hadith riwayat Jabir bin Abdullah ra, di mana Nabi :saw

نهى أن يجصص القبر وأن يقعد عليه وأن يبنى عليه.

"Nabi saw melarang kita menampal (plaster) kubur, duduk di atasnya dan membina apa-apa diatasnya" (Riwayat Muslim).

وأن يكتب عليه

Di dalam riwayat Tirmudzi dan al-Nasaa’I ada tambahan “(melarang) menulis diatasnya”.

Ulama’ khilaf di dalam hukum menggunakan batu nisan di kubur, ada kalangan ulama’ yang mengharamkannya dan ada yang makruhkannya. Berikut adalah tautan yang membincangkan lebih lanjut berkenaan dengan hukum tersebut :-

SJ - 2846 : Batu Nesan

Ada di kalangan ulama’ yang berpandangan bahawa tidaklah dilarang menandakan kayu atau batu di atas kubur seseorang sebagaimana kata Ibn Qudamah :

ولا بأس بتعليم القبر بحجر أو خشبة ، قال أحمد : لا بأس أن يعلِّم الرجل القبرَ علامةً يعرفه بها ، وقد علَّم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قبرَ عثمان بن مظعون
“Tidak mengapa menandakan kubur dengan batu atau kayu. Berkata Ahmad : Tidak mengapa bagi seseorang lelaki menandakan kubur untuk dia mengetahui di mana kubur itu, dan telah maklum bahawa Nabi :saw menandakan kubur Uthman ibn Maz’uun” [al-Mughni, 2/191].

Bagi al-Khatib al-Syarbini, mengenali di mana tempat dikebumikan mayat adalah dituntut supaya memudahkan keluarga yang masih hidup menziarahnya [Mughni al-Muhtaj, 1/541].

Kebenaran ini dalam konteks menandakan dan bukan menghiasi atau berlebih-lebihan menghiasai sesuatu kubur. Sebagaimana kata Ibn Hazm, niat menandakan batu atau kayu HANYALAH bagi tujuan pengenalan sahaja! Dengan itu, isu kuburan ini hendaklah ditangani dengan hati-hati agar ia tidak membawa kepada perkara yang dilarang sebagaimana hadith Jabir diatas.

Wallahu a'lam.

Saya bukanlah seorang yang arif dalam hukum hakam mengenai monumen dan batu nisan di atas pusara, tetapi sebagai bahan rujukan, bolehlah layari Apa yang saya nyatakan di atas tadi hanyalah pandangan peribadi. Bagi diri saya, monument yang paling berharga ialah bagaimana kita boleh create a memorable niche semasa hayat masih ada dan sentiasa dikenang kerana kebaikan kita setelah kita tiada lagi di dunia. Monument yang paling indah letaknya di dalam hati...

Untuk menikmati visual kubur-kubur pelik di dunia, sila layari

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


21 September 2010.

Salam Cik Wan and everyone...

To be simply honest and frank, it's kinda hard to look forward to something that I personally prefer not to think. Tetapi, bila difikirkan kembali memang I somehow agree with Cik Wan that whatever might happen we must get ourselves prepared, even if that is the least that we can do. Apa ketentuan Allah yang bakal berlaku, tetap akan berlaku, kita hanya sekadar berusaha, dan kemudian of course, bertawakkal.

...Dan saya pun browse through the bamboo competition website. And, suddenly I recall that by pure chance, I have been to this website before. Seriously, ia mengandungi koleksi inovasi terbaik dunia tentang penciptaan menggunakan buluh.

The objective of the competition is to develop new award winning designs for bamboo buildings, raise awareness of the use of certified certified structural bamboo for building code approved structures, and introduce architects, designers and builders to working with bamboo as a strucytural material. So, untuk tujuan surviving the much prophecied disaster, saya memilih suatu inovasi yang dihasilkan oleh Tanu Veeranjintsiri dari Thailand yang diberi nama "Floating Shelter" as per the following design brief :

1345 (10") Floating Shelter. Category 07: Temporary, Portable, Emergency Relief
Tanu Veerajintsiri: Thailand
Keeping in mind that many areas of Thailand flood during the rainy season, this shelter finds its inspiration from a spidery insect that floats on the surface of water. Bamboo poles are used to create the turtle-shell type of structure, which floats on feet made of used rubber tires.

I choose this design basically because it doesn't look too complicated to build and assemble. Other reasons are :
  • Iklim di Thailand hampir sama dengan negara kita terutamanya bagi wilayah utara dan timur laut, so, we share almost identical problems.
  • Buluh merupakan bahan yang mudah diperolehi because bamboo grows in abundance di Malaysia.
  • "Kaki" shelter ini menggunakan tayar terpakai yang telah dilupuskan. So, selain mudah didapati, ini juga merupakan suatu kaedah pelupusan bahan buangan yang efisien.
  • Pemasangannya menggunakan prinsip yang hampir serupa dengan geodesic dome. Maka, ternyata the assembly would be quite simple.
  • The design is flexible and dynamic in the sense that it can be adjusted according to user's needs.
Pada pandangan saya, tidak kira apa pun reka bentuk yang dipilih, shelter ini mestilah menepati ciri-ciri berikut :
  • Diperbuat daripada bahan-bahan yang mudah dan murah didapati.
  • Diperbuat daripada bahan-bahan yang ringan, sustainable, biodegradeable (mudah dilupuskan tanpa risiko sekiranya telah usang) dan durable.
  • Mudah dipasang, dibuka semula dan diangkut.
  • Design yang menjamin kestabilan, sebaik-baiknya dengan centre of gravity yang rendah.
  • Design yang aerodynamic so as to reduce wind drag for smooth floating / sailing (?).
  • Mempunyai ketahanan untuk menahan storm surge bila berlaku ribut taufan.
  • Mempunyai cukup ruang untuk menempatkan manusia / penghuni, survival kits, telecommunication and power supply equipments kerana dalam keadaan disaster, power dan alat-alat canggih tidak dapat berfungsi / sangat terhad fungsinya.
  • Sebaik-baiknya bahan yang digunakan tidak menyerap haba di waktu siang atau melepaskan haba yang banyak di waktu malam yang dingin.
  • Oleh kerana kedudukannya sentiasa di atas air, bahan yang digunakan hendaklah sebaik-baiknya tahan terendam dan mudah kering bila air accidentally masuk ke dalam.
If that sounds too ideal, well... please forgive me. I am just a human being yang dicipta di syurga, sentiasa sukakan yang terbaik saja. ^_^

Other examples may be viewed in my RAG 132 group website at especially for the entry dated 25 August 2010. Happy exploring.

Monday, September 20, 2010


20 September 2010.

We were assigned to blog our experiences and our thoughts when we look back dari saat kami menerima utusan penerimaan masuk ke Apex University USM sehingga ke saat dan ketika ini.

Pada pandangan saya, "to look back" bukan sekadar mengimbau kenangan, juga bukan sekadar secara restrospektif menjejak kembali langkah-langkah yang telah saya mulai sehingga berhasilnya saya menjejaki menara gading ini untuk menyambung pengajian ke tahap yang lebih tinggi. Malah, lebih dari itu, ia merupakan himpunan segala pengalaman pahit manis yang saya kutip dan khazanahkan sepanjang kembara ini, dari saat saya mengambil keputusan muktamad untuk menyambung pengajian ke peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda (mungkin juga ke peringkat Sarjana) setelah berkerjaya selama 7 tahun. Ia merupakan catatan fikiran tentang what it takes to be a student - a good one, I mean, people's expectations and my own anticipation.

That was not an easy decision. Berbeza dengan students lain yang memang sedang mencari tapak untuk memulai suatu penghidupan, saya meninggalkan sementara tapak yang sedia ada untuk cuba mencari suatu penghidupan baru yang lebih baik, more promising, with lots more opportunities.

Beyond the river is my beautiful hometown, Bandar Maharani, Muar, a quaint little town where life is not so hectic and fast-paced. Small yet sufficiently adequate. All within easy reach. And it has a lot of characters that make life here so colourful and worth living...

...the serene Masjid Jame' where we gather for solat Jumaat...

...the mamak's newstand where we get our dailies, or just flip through pages of Motor Traders...

...the 434 Kopitiam across the street where me and my buddies enjoy our afternoon coffee, best in town...

and of course, my office, where I first learn "the trick of the Government trade" and get to meet a lot of clients - good ones, crazy ones...

But above all these, paling mengesankan is to leave my family, all my friends...

and my colleagues behind...

And I have to leave all these behind in pursuit of a dream.

Maka, berbekalkan doa dan harapan, and what limited means I have, saya kembali memulakan hidup sebagai seorang pelajar. A student's life was never easy and it still is. Walau bagaimanapun, this time kehidupan tidaklah sesukar sewaktu saya di UiTM Seri Iskandar dulu. Mungkin kerana faktor usia, pengalaman dan keupayaan kewangan, saya lebih bersedia menghadapi cabaran - I become stronger and more focused, because I know now what I really striving for.

My goal is to complete my study with the best results I could possibly attained, and make myself and everybody who supports me proud. I want to prove to myself what I am actually capable of. Saya ingin buktikan bahawa usia dan kerjaya bukanlah penghalang untuk kita meraih pencapaian dan kejayaan yang lebih baik. Saya ingin kembali dengan kejayaan untuk mencurah khidmat bakti di kampung halaman yang dulunya telah begitu banyak berjasa memberi pengalaman yang berharga, mendewasakan saya sepanjang hampir 30 tahun usia hayat saya ini.

Looking back, setakat ini Alhamdulillah, I am grateful that I have managed to overcome most of my fears and uncertainties, and give full commitments to my studies, thanks to my wise lecturers, fellow students and my newfound buddies down here. Dan saya juga bersyukur kesibukan dan dedikasi saya terhadap pelajaran tidak pula melalaikan tanggungjawab saya sebagai seorang hamba-Nya dan seorang anak, bahkan kehidupan sekarang lebih banyak mengajar saya menjadi lebih bersyukur, berhemah, bersabar dan memahami. Walau bagaimanapun, masih banyak lagi ruang-ruang kelemahan that need to be patched with confidence, determination and humility.

Lastly, saya ingin mengingatkan diri sendiri bahawa I am here for a reason, and I will uphold my pledge to myself bahawa segala yang saya lakukan adalah untuk memastikan hasrat dan cita-cita yang saya amanahkan kepada diri saya tercapai, Insya'Allah. Nothing else matters. This is not a time for a sweet honeymoon and relaxation. I will keep on pushing myself to the limit to achieve what I aim for, otherwise my coming here would be a mere waste of time, money and effort.

Walaupun saya tidak pasti tentang apa ekspektasi keluarga dan rakan-rakan terhadap diri saya, saya yakin dan percaya bahawa they want, they hope and they pray the best for me. And I want to accept nothing but the BEST! I know it's hard but I will, Insya'Allah, get it.

So, to all those who have supported me materially, financially and morally, I lack words with which to express my gratitude. Hanya Allah yang akan membalasnya dengan ganjaran yang terbaik buat semua. Amin...

Looking back, walau apa pun natijahnya, I really think that being a student again has done me a great favour in getting back my "trim", dan saya yakin akan dapat menyarung semula jersey kesayangan yang telah lama tersimpan di sudut almari...

Saya yang dulu... sejak awal 2004 sewaktu mula bekerja hingga tahun 2005...

... dari tahun 2006 hingga 2008, see the difference...

...zaman "kemakmuran" 2009 & awal 2010 dan kini (1 size down)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته


Me, during rehearsal... Patriotik hingga ke tulang sumsum...

... with my partner, Bie Xinyu.

Safwan and I getting ready for the big event

Waiting in anticipation...

Balloons, and more balloons...

Cik Wan overseeing the preps.

" Tambah lagi belon, tak cukup ni...," Cik Wan fastening balloons to the Jalur Gemilang

Wah, banyaknya belon. Macam ni, saya pun boleh "terbang" sekali...

Bie Xinyu and me, bearing half a flag each...

Tak sabar nak terbangkan ni..

The masked warriors a.k.a. Pahlawan Bertopeng?

The Bamboo Balloon Black Box bearers anxiously waiting for D moment.

VVIPs and the youth reps taking centre stage for the launching

Light, camera, action!

Flag raised, camera ready...

... and "Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!" along with confetti showers...
(Photo courtesy of Flog101)

Posing for the album after a hard days work.
(Photo courtesy of Flog101).

The gents showing some toothy grins. Cheeeese...

...and I almost managed to grab a few solid, pure tin bars before the night was over. Fuh, nyaris-nyaris kaya...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

6. Survival Kit on IBU

8 September 2010.

Salam everyone. With Hari Raya Aidilfitri just around the corner, sebagaimana lazimnya, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada Cik Wan, all members of the RUS 101 family and all my friends. Ampun maaf atas segala kesilapan yang zahir dan tersembunyi.

It was a bliss when Cik Wan announced that there wouldn't be Studio on Friday, 3 September. There was a lot of commotion in the class that day. Everybody was so happy at the prospect of going home early for the Raya. And I for sure, have already packed my things and ready to get my car zooming southbound the highway. Home sweet home!

But the happiness was short-lived... Cik Wan posted a new assignment di RUS101 website And the best thing about it, it is due on D-Raya-Day itself. Arrggh!

Anyway, secara positifnya, pada hemat saya, Cik Wan cuma tak mau students melupakan terus pelajaran dalam kesibukan menyambut Raya. Seriously, itulah yang saya rasa.

Dalam tugasan ini students diminta untuk memberi tumpuan kepada persediaan pra-bencana dengan mereka bentuk survival kit berteraskan hasil penyelidikan yang telah dijalankan oleh pakar-pakar USM sendiri, untuk dibawa kepada IBU (Inter-PONDOK Bastionary Unit). If we can still remember, in Project 1B, PONDOK is the acronym for PolarShift and Other Natural Disaster Organization Kit.

Gotta run some errands, will continue later.

12 September 2010.

My assignment is well overdue for submission, but I thought it's better late than never. Tambahan pula kat kampung ni Internet broadband line pun terlalu erratic.

Ini adalah bentuk survival kit yang saya cadangkan untuk disediakan di IBU. Ia merupakan a multi compartment kit boleh laras, mengandungi medical kit (from first aid kits to more specialized prescription drugs), food kit (basically food supplements/gantian makanan kerana perishable foods tidak praktik), personal supplies kit (spt. toilettries, sanitary napkins, baby disposable napkins, disposables under garments, special lightweight no-wash clothing which adjusts well to body temperature etc), emergency supplies, tools/repair kit, survival kits (fishing rods, knives, ropes, torchlights, dry cells, wistles etc). We go for the very basic items and the bare necessities sebab di waktu disaster, we simply cannot rely on sophisticated technologies. What power supply that we may have adalah limited. So, think simple and apa yang terjangkau oleh common sense. At this point of time it is all that we may need.

Kit ini berwarna kuning dan fluorescent di dalam gelap supaya mudah kelihatan. Survival kit ini boleh menampung keperluan warga PONDOK untuk tempoh 40 hari 40 malam.

Saya juga memilih hasil penyelidikan yang telah dijalankan oleh Dr. Chow Wen Shyang of School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus, USM, iaitu Hand - Lay Up Epoxy Hybrid Nanocomposite, dalam usaha menghasilkan lantai IBU dan PONDOK. Ini kerana menurut kajian, "nanocomposites are a new class materials that exhibit ultra fine phase dimension.... lead to new and improved properties such as increased stiffness, strength and heat resistance, and decreased moisture absorption, flammibility, permeability, when compared to their micro- and macro-composite counterparts...", whilst epoxy nanocomposites have superior dimensional and thermal stability, and have a lower hygroscopic property.".

Selain daripada itu, saya juga memilih satu lagi hasil kajian yang ada kaitan dengan pilihan pertama saya iaitu A New Adhesive from Waste Polystrene oleh Dr. Issam Ahmed Mohammed dan sekutunya. Selain merupakan suatu kaedah pelupusan yang mesra alam, mempunyai excellent adhesion, quick drying and good heat and moisture resistance sebagaimana contoh berikut yang telah pun berada di pasaran :

Other research that can be exploited to good use are those pertaining to water purification, medical remedies and food substitutes. I personally feel that a good collection of dried seeds dan apa juga benih pokok makanan (food crops) dan perubatan boleh dipertimbangkan dalam survival kit ini. Mungkin jaring berupa pukat boleh diletakkan di bawah setiap pondok to create a natural fish farm

And lastly, food for thoughts...

"When Noah was 600 years old, the flood came, and that same day, Noah, his family and the beasts went into the ark, and God shut him in. (Gen. 7:6–16.) The rains fell 40 days and 40 nights, the waters swelled 15 cubits above the highest mountains, and all flesh with the merest breath of life died, except for Noah and those with him on the ark."
