Wednesday, September 8, 2010


21 August 2010.

We got another assignment in conjunction with the Merdeka Day Celebration.

Unfortunately, saya terpaksa kembali ke pejabat untuk menyelesaikan beberapa perkara. So, as I was not able to participate in the 3-minute theaterette, I was given the task of a video maker as can be seen from the assignment excerpt below.

Basically, the task was not very difficult, thanks to the assigned groups, yang memberikan sepenuh komitmen kepada tugasan ini.

Tugas saya ialah merakam video bagi persembahan 3 kumpulan iaitu :

1. Kumpulan Kantoi Crew dengan persembahan bertajuk "Change"
Ahli-ahli kumpulan Kantoi Crew

2. Kunpulan Strikers dengan "A Better Product for a Sustainable Tomorrow"

Ahli-ahli kumpulan Strikers

3. Kumpulan RST and their "K.I.T.A." production.

... Malangnya saya tidak dapat upload video yang telah dirakam kerana saiz masing-masing yang terlalu "besar" iaitu melebihi 300MB berbanding the allowable uploading size of only 100MB. Video compression pun tak berjaya "mengecilkan" saiz video, masih melebihi 100MB. What a pity... So, I just posted a few still frames from each presentation instead.

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